jeudi 18 février 2016

[Gisti-info] « Seek asylum in France » [factsheets on the asylum process: submitting the application, to assert his rights]

Seek asylum in France

English | français [FR]

The asylum application procedure was modified in 2015. Despite politicians' speeches promising simplification, it is still a complicated process and is sometimes difficult to comprehend.

In our view, this initiative is all the more urgent given the hundreds of migrants and refugees who are receiving little assistance both with regard to their material needs and the level of administrative and legal assistance. Some have been sent to centres where, for the most part, they have no access to assistance. Others are still in a vulnerable situation living on the streets, with lodgings only being offered to a limited number of people.

The aim of these factsheets is to provide the information required to submit an asylum application, to assert your rights and to avoid falling into the traps laid out by the French administration.

 Caution :
  • always keep a copy of the documents you submit to the authorities
  • never give originals (except passport to Ofpra)

Translation in few days : arabic, dari, oromo, urdu and tigrinia.


All in one page

Envoi par le Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigré·e·s
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